My hands may be SMALL, but my ideas are BIG


Friday Linky Love

As finals and graduation time is approaching, I want to focus on more career related links that I hope can be a resource and helpful, even if you're not about to graduate. Here's what I like, from this week.

1. L.A. Times-Business: Student Consultants Teach Firms How to Get to the Next Level
2. Life After College: Motivated By Achievement: A Blessing and a Curse
3. Smile Like You Mean It: There's Nothing Zen About Balance
4. Telegraph: Goldman Sachs Hires Law Firm to Shut Blogger's Site
5. SmartBlog on Social Media: Is Your Social Media Presence Really Yours?
6. Newsweek: If Jobs Are Cut, Why Aren't Paychecks, Too?
7. Nashville Business Journal: Ford Gives $20 K to Metro Career Academics
8. CNN-Travel: Pushy Bloggers to Travel Industry: Be Nice
9. Modite: Will Gen Y Ruin Local Community?
10. JS Online: Liberty-Loving Gen-Yers Will Reshape Politics

Photo Credit: La Presna
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